Monday, June 18, 2012

Got a bad teacher? It's almost summer.

These are not too cool teachers who are in hot water.

Student forced to bathe at school because he smelled bad

A school nurse and counselor forced an 8-year-old Parker County boy to bathe after telling him he "smelled badly, was dirty and had bad hygiene," according to a lawsuit filed Thursday.

The boy was forced to take off his clothes one day in November and the two school officials "began violently washing his body," the parents said.

Amber and Michael Tilley filed the suit against the Peaster School District on Thursday in federal court in Fort Worth. "It's terrible, and we don't want anything like that to happen to any other children," Amber Tilley said.

His parents also say school officials put cotton balls in their son's ears and left them there for the entire day. "His body and his ears, they were really sore, real tender from being scrubbed," Amber Tilley said.

The lawsuit claims the boy was traumatized by what happened and has had to see therapists. "He just kept on and on, wanting to take baths," his mother said. "You know, he just felt so disgusting." The parents say nobody from the school ever contacted them about a hygiene problem.

"The first thing I said was, 'You ought to try to call us,'" Michael Tilley said. "And they said, 'We were trying to avoid him being embarrassed.' And I said, 'You all did a real good job of helping that process along.'" His parents kept him out of school for a week.


Teacher had class line up and slap bully

A mother of a 6-year-old boy says her son was slapped by each of his classmates on the orders of their teacher as a form of discipline.

Aiden Neely was accused of being a bully at his school, Salinas Elementary School, near San Antonio, Texas. His kindergarten teacher came up with a creative way to put an end to the alleged bullying. The teacher is accused of having 24 other students in the class line up and slap Neely one-by-one.

"He was hit on the head, in the face, on the back. And all the kids hit him twice," said Amy Neely, the boy's mother. "He had friends in that class, and friends didn't want to hit him, but the teacher instructed them to hit him."

The incident occurred in early May, but Neely was not informed about it until weeks later when the principal called.

"The teacher told him not to tell us," said Neely. "My stomach was in knots. It was horrible."

The Judson Independent School District fired the teacher accused of hatching the most unusual anti-bullying lesson. She has been charged, along with another teacher who allegedly failed to report the incident, with a misdemeanor, according to the chief of the school district's police.


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